- Both can sit up unassisted.
- Mila is "army crawling" and Lucca is close behind.
- Lucca loves to play peek-a-boo, especially when he is supposed to be eating!
- Mila laughs a lot more, especially at Lucca. She generally loves everything he does!
- Lucca gives Mommy big, slobbery kisses and then laughs.
- Both LOVE going up and down the stairs. They crack up looking at each other over Mommy or Daddy's shoulder.
- Both are starting on finger foods, although Lucca HATES having to chew his food. He usually rolls the peas around in his mouth, hoping that you'll forget about them after a while.
- Lucca can find his pacifier, put it in his mouth, and take it out again. The other day I saw him take his paci out so that he could cry nice and loudly. He actually took it out, held it in his hand, screamed and cried for a few seconds, and then put it back in his mouth.
- Mila can make the sign for "more" when she's eating. She isn't very consistent about it, but it's still amazing to see those little wheels turning in her head!
Los bebes ya cumplieron nueve meses! Es dificil creer... Aqui estan unas de las cosas que pueden hacer:
- Los dos se pueden sentar sin apoyo.
- Mila esta arrastrandose con los brazos y Lucca tambien esta empezando a hacerlo.
- A Lucca le encanta jugar a las escondidas, especialmente cuando deberia estar comiendo!
- Mila esta riendose mucho mas ahora, especialmente a Lucca. Generalmente le encanta todo lo que hace!
- Lucca le da besos, (bastantes babosos), a Mommy y despues se rie.
- A los dos les encanta subir y bajar la escalera mientras se rien uno al otro sobre el hombro de Mama o Papa.
- Los dos estan empezando a comer comida solida, (no solo pure), aunque a Lucca no le gusta nada el hecho de que tiene que masticar la comida. Normalmente guarda las arvejas en la boca y espera que te olvidas de ellas.
- Lucca puede encontrar su chupete, ponerselo en la boca y sacarselo. El otro dia vi que se lo saco para poder llorar mas fuerte mientras lo tenia en la mano. Lloro por unos minutos y despues se lo metio en la boca de nuevo.
- Mila ya puede hacer la senia para pedir "mas" mientra come. Increible, n0?
The only shot we got of the "9 months" sign...and it's blurry because they were (of course) trying to grab it!
La unica foto del cartel de "9 meses" y esta borrosa porque estaban intentando agarrarlo, (por supuesto)!