What Are They Doing Now?/ Que Estan Haciendo Ahora?
I decided to add this section to keep everyone updated on the new little things that Mila and Lucca are doing. I will try to update it more frequently than the blog, so check back often to keep up with the twins! Hope you like it! :)
Decidi agregar esta seccion para mantener a todos informados con las cositas nuevas que estan haciendo Mila y Lucca. Voy a intentar actualizarlo mas frecuentemente que el blog, asi que chequeenlo mucho para saber las nuevas noticias de los melli! Espero que les guste! :)
March 17- When he gets angry, Lucca has started clenching his fists, scrunching up his face, and making a loud grunting sound as his face turns bright red. This usually happens during mealtimes when he's not getting fed fast enough. (He does like his food!) Let me tell you, this new trick is charming. :P On a quieter note, the babies tried fresh blueberries today and LOVED them! They couldn't get enough of them and kept leaning forward for me to give them more. I'm glad we found a healthy, easy snack that they like!
17 de marzo- Cuando Lucca se enoja con algo ha empezado a ponerse todo rojo y apretar los punos mientras grune y frunce toda la cara. Normalmente hace esto durante la comida cuando no le estan dando de comer lo suficientemente rapido. Ni les tengo que decir lo encantador que es este nuevo truco. :P En otras noticias mas tranquilas, los bebes probaron arandanos frescos hoy y les encantaron! No importaba cuantos les diera, siempre querian mas. Estoy muy feliz de que encontramos una comida saludable y facil de preparar que les gusta!
March 4- We finally tried green beans tonight and they seemed to be a hit! I was very surprised, to say the least. We got a few funny faces, as we do whenever trying new foods, but both babies ate all of their green beans. Bring on the green poop!
4 de marzo- Por fin los bebes probaron las habichuelas esta noche y parece que les gustaron! Yo estaba bastante sorprendida. Pusieron unas caras graciosas, que es lo que siempre hacen cuando prueban comidas nuevas, pero los dos bebes terminaron todas sus habichuelas!
Feb.17- We think that Mila has started doing the sign for "more." She just sticks her arms straight out in front of her and puts her hands together, so it's a little different from the actual sign, which is why we're not positive that's what she's doing. But she only does this little motion at mealtimes, and only when she wants more food, so it looks like something has started to click with her! What a smart little cookie!
17 de febrero- Pensamos que Mila ha empezado a hacer la senia para pedir "mas." Solo se estira los bracitos frente a ella y pone las manitas juntas, asi que es un poco distinto a la senia verdadera y por eso no estamos seguros si esta haciendola o no. Pero solo hace este movimiento durante la comida y solo cuando quiere pedir mas comida, asi que parece que ella esta empezando a entender las senias! Que nena mas lista!
Feb. 15- We're going to give the babies green beans tonight for the first time. We'll let you know how it goes... Hopefully it won't be a repeat of the "pea incident."
15 de febrero- Vamos a dar habichuelas a los bebes esta noche por primera vez. Les decimos despues como nos fue... Esperamos que no sea como las arvejas!
Feb. 14- Mila and Lucca have started giving open-mouthed, very slobbery kisses to Mommy and sometimes to Daddy, (if he's shaven). Lucca especially likes to do this! First, he grabs your face very tightly, (so that you can't get away, I guess), then he slowly moves towards you with his head tilted back and his mouth wide open. Sometimes he even sticks his tongue out if he's feeling especially affectionate. Then, he just holds his mouth against your cheek for a few seconds, giggling the whole time. The other day he held Mommy's face so tight that he made her nose bleed! Now that's love!
14 de febrero- Mila y Lucca empezaron a dar besos muy babosos con la boca abierta a Mommy y a veces a Papi, (si el se afeito). A Lucca especialmente le gusta dar besos! Primero te agarra la cara muy fuertemente, (supongo que para que no te escapes). despues se te acerca muy lentamente con la cabecita inclinada hacia atras y su boquita abierta. A veces hasta saca su lenguita si se siente especialmente carinoso. Entonces, se apoya su boquita contra el cachete por unos segundos mientras se rie. El otro dia le agarro la cara a Mommy tan fuertemente que hizo que la nariz le sangrara! Eso es el amor!
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