It's official.. we have a roller!! The babies were just testing out their new playmat, ($15 at Tuesday Morning.. YES!!). I was situating Lucca, looked over at Mila, and over she went onto her back! I couldn't believe it! The twins are not quite 7 weeks old, so I definitely wasn't expecting that.. Mila really does not like being on her tummy, and I guess she was just determined to get on her back no matter what! Before that I had been trying to take a nap, but the babies had other ideas and so I put them down for some tummy time. After seeing Mila do her new little trick 6 or 7 times all my exhaustion just melted away.. I'm so proud!
Bueno, es oficial.. ya podemos darnos vueltita! Los bebes estaban estrenando su nuevo "playmat," (es como una cobija con juguetitos). Yo estaba acomodando a Lucca, y de repente mire y Mila se habia dado vuelta! No lo pude creer! Los mellizos apenas tienen 7 semanas, asi que definitivamente no estaba esperando que se dieran vuelta ya.. A Mila no le gusta nada estar apoyada en la panza, asi que parece que queria ponerse de espalda a toda costa! Antes de que esto pasara yo estaba tratando de dormir una siesta, pero los bebes tenian otros planes asi que los puse a hacer "tummy time," (todos los dias hay que hacer "tummy time" que es un rato en el que estan en la panza para desarollar los musculos que despues usaran para gatear). Despues de ver a Mila haciendo su nuevo truquito 6 o 7 veces todo el sueno se me fue por completo.. Estoy tan orgullosa!!
Hooray for Mila!! I can't believe she can already turn over. That is really great. The play mat is adorable!